''Humpty Dumpty'' sat (text-colour:red)[[[on a wall]]] or (text-colour:red)[[[on the ground]]].''Humpy Dumpty'' had a great (text-colour:red)[[[fall]]] or (text-colour:red)[[[time]]]?''Humpty Dumpty'' rolled (text-colour:red)[[[around]]].Around? Around when? (text-colour:red)[[12 pm]] (text-colour:red)[[7 am?]]What a wonderful time for brunch! What will you be having? [[(text-colour:red)[Eggs?]]] [[Toast?]]What an odd time for [[(text-colour:red)[brunch]]]!You're sick, you know that? We're talking about an egg rolling around and (text-colour:red)[[[you want to eat him?]]]Good choice. I'll toast to that!Despicable... I like you.Fall-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la~ Oh, I mean, uh... He had a great fall. Not the season, though. More of a spring guy. He had a (text-colour:red)[[[great fall]]]. Great as in big. Not fun. It was not fun at all.Did he really? I was quite nervous because he sat in the corner all night only drinking one beer. I wondered if I was a proper host. I want to (text-colour:red)[[[get to know him better]]].I've heard he's quite nice. "Like an (text-colour:red)[[[angel]]]". I'm not so sure, though. He didn't seem to enthralled by my party.[[(text-colour:red)[Angeled?]]]Sorry, no. I like my deviled eggs.All the king's horses and all the king's men said, "We can't put him together again. He's (text-colour:red)[[[cracked]]] too much."Don't do drugs, kids.Would you like to [[(text-colour:red)[reschedule]->around]]